Saturday, February 6, 2010


O.K., so I hadn't considered which airport to suggest. I really don't know which is the best, but I will give you some options.

We do have an airport right here in Harrisburg. It's about a 15 - 20 minute drive from Hershey, but although it is an international airport, it is fairly small...translation, it can be expensive.

It has been suggested that Baltimore, Maryland is the best one to go to in order to get good deals and is fairly close. Philidalphia is another good option. I've never been to Pittsburg and it's a little further that Philly. Any of the airports in the Washington D.C. area are a good option as well. I'd just check around for the best deal.


  1. Who spells Philidelphia like that?! Sometimes I feel I am losing my mind.

  2. Previous comment says that Nathan said that, it was actually Heather. Nathan knows better than to criticize my writing:) And this is also from Heather. I have to post things from other people so it looks like I am getting lots of comments. It just makes me feel good.

  3. I was checking on Southwest and the low fare finder and found the prices range from $144 to 208 depending on what day and what time for the Baltimore, Maryland airport. of course these were from salt lake

    Pittsburg is a bit higher but still depends on day and time for the best deals

    Flights from Salt Lake to Philly are 149 for the 21st and 23rd, but 199 on the 24th

    At any rate the sooner you book the better.

  4. Heather, Leslie and I have made our reservations for the plane. We are coming.
    What can we do to help?
    How many are coming so far?
    What about the cost? Any charges?

  5. O.K. so far I have heard that Art Bliss, Mary Bernice and Mike Lewis, Patty and Mike Snep, Marque, Sarah, Leah and Leslie Trosper, Lyn Weber, and Vee Baldwin are coming for sure. Patty said she would get back to me after talking with her family to let me know who else plans to attend. I have heard that Denise, Debra and their parents won't be able to come as well as Jason Montiel and Sandi Bliss. I have not heard one way or the other from anybody else. (I may have missed some people so please excuse me if I don't have you listed here.)

    Please encourage anybody you have contact with to just let me know their plans. I think we've got a great group thus far, we'd love to have more and if you're unable to make it, I can certainly understand. Please just let me know. Thanks.

    As far as helping, I am really making it as simple as I can. The only cost that I will need when we use the pool pavilion to gather is a $3 fee for each day we use it from everybody except from anybody over 60. I will only need $1 from them. That will be a total of $2 for Seniors and $6 for anybody else.

    Nathan and I will take care of the meal Friday night. We'll just need a fairly accurate count when the time gets closer and then, depending on how many people come Saturday night, I will make food assignments. I thought that could be a bring your own meat and a side or drink to share.

    Again, when the time gets closer and we know how many people for sure are coming, I will try to book groups for the Hershey Tour if you're interested or gather at Chocolate World. I will also see who's interested in seeing the Hershey Museum and can get some group rates there.

    I thought we'd gather for a group brunch on Sunday at a restaurant and there would be that cost as well.

    I hope everybody is alright with the simplicity of this. I want to make sure you have time for free time but have a place to gather and hang out as well.

    Please continue to spread the word.

  6. Oh, Kendra Kaiser and her family are also not able to attend.

  7. Susan has her reservations as well. Bill Nietfeld, Ray Weber, Herb Baldwin and Bud Trosper won't be coming. Susan is hoping David will be able to come. Jim and Samantha said they wouldn't be able to make it. Scott and Cynthia said it depends on when the new baby arrives etc. Oh, I chatted with Janet Sloan today and she said they were hoping to come, but I don't know how many of them, and how sure it is. How about Aunt Leona and any of her family? I am really sorry that some of the family can't come. They will be sooooo missed.

  8. I have word that Gillette, her husband, Hans and his mom Marilyn will be coming. I am really excited to beable to meet Hans and Marilyn as I have only been able to chat with them on the phone and on the computer so far.

    I am pretty sure Brandy and family won't beable to make it, nor Shea and her kids. Maybe if I bribe them with Chocolate?..... Nah, that would only work on Gille and me.

  9. Heather,

    Brandy, Anthony, Latreesha, Angelina, Dominic and Adison will be coming too.
